Facial Action Coding System
Privacy Notice
This demo makes use of the CogniCue JavaScript SDK. To use it, you must enable your webcam.
No data will be sent back to CogniCue. You may review CogniCue's privacy policy. Once you accept it, the demo will be changed to landscape mode.
Accept to proceed with the demo.
Select Demo
A video will be played, and your facial movements would be captured. After the video is played you can see each of your facial expressions and emotions moment by moment. Get the summary of your expressions too.
Watch yourself in real time while you can speak and get facial expressions captured. The system will request an access of the microphone also. Get the summary of your facial movements.
Share and watch anything on your screen. Let the system analyze your facial expressions and present a summary of the facial expressions displayed.
Click below to select or remove different FACS metrics
Color curves represent moment-by-moment facial movements probabilities
Gray bar in graph signifies that the entire face couldn't be captured
Click the button below to stop the execution of FACS at any time or it will stop automatically if you are watching any video here.
You can click in the graph to seek the video to that point in time and press the spacebar key to play or pause the video.
Click the button below to view your reaction at particular time
Click the button to start over with another demo.
DemoSummary | |
Metric | Point |
Anger | - |
Attention | - |
Brow Furrow | - |
Brow Raise | - |
Cheek Raise | - |
Chin Raise | - |
Contempt | - |
Dimpler | - |
Disgust | - |
Expressiveness | - |
Eye Closure | - |
Eye Widen | - |
Fear | - |
Happiness | - |
Inner Brow Raise | - |
Jaw Drop | - |
Lid Tighten | - |
Lip Corner Depress | - |
Lip Press | - |
Lip Pucker | - |
Lip Stretch | - |
Lip Suck | - |
Mouth Open | - |
Nose Wrinkle | - |
Sadness | - |
Sentimentality | - |
Smile | - |
Smirk | - |
Surprise | - |
Upper Lip Raise | - |
Valence | - |
Video Length |
Viewed Time |